
County of San Diego Vector Control Program

With Live Well San Diego

We will have a collection of samples of the mosquito lifecycle to be viewed by microscope or magnifying glasses in order to learn about where mosquitoes come from. We typically try to bring some live samples when they are available. We have a mock back backyard setup to provide examples of places that can hold water and breed mosquitoes. This interactive display helps people understand how to prevent mosquitoes and bites and stay protected from diseases.

I Love A Clean San Diego

ILACSD will provide resources related to environmental education on behalf of the City of San Diego. We'll have information about proper waste sorting and where/how to dispose of different types of items. We will have a game for people to sort items into: recycling, trash, and compost, including tricky items like aerosol cans, plastic wrappers, tissue paper, and sticky notes. Many people thoroughly enjoy playing this game and learning about why each item is disposed of a particular way.

J. Craig Venter Institute

JCVI is at the forefront of genomics, striving to unravel the complexities of the biological world to improve global health. At our booth, explore how plastic accumulates in the food chain—from small fragments in microbes and other tiny organisms to fish and, eventually, us. Learn about how our scientists are tackling the problem of plastic pollution, the power of microbes, and the effect of both on the ocean. Join us for insights at the intersection of genomics and environmental challenges.


KPBS Kids events across San Diego County consist of special visits by your favorite KPBS Kids television characters, story times, and hands-on activities that connect to program educational themes. Visit us to explore fun science, math, and literacy activities for the whole family, and learn how you can meet Clifford, Curious George, Daniel Tiger, Elinor Wonders Why, Molly of Denali, and other KPBS Kids friends at the San Diego Children's Discovery Museum and other locations this year!

San Diego State University

Members of San Diego State University’s Cybersecurity Center for Research and Education (CCRE) will demonstrate the importance of cybersecurity to protect new technologies from hackers and safeguard the systems that power our nation. Learn directly from the SDSU researchers and innovators leading San Diego to new heights in STEM.

San Diego State University

San Diego State University representatives from science and engineering will provide engaging and interactive activities for students and families of all ages. Touch urchins wearing hats, code your own bracelet, build neurons out of pipe cleaners, explore the solar system in virtual reality and more! Learn directly from the SDSU researchers and innovators leading San Diego to new heights in STEAM.

STEAM Concert With Music Notes

Join Music Notes, a team of former math teachers, for this unforgettable hip hop concert. Music Notes has traveled the country hosting assemblies for over 250,000 students and their videos have gathered over 2,000,000 views online. Their collection of STEAM-themed songs are sure to have attendees dancing and singing along.

Fire and ICE

Children of all ages will discover how hot and cold science can be as they take a journey through the world of Fire & Ice! Experience chemical reactions that will "magically" make things disappear and reveal the secret properties of special gases! Explore the states of matter and watch in amazement as we demonstrate the extraordinary and chilly properties of dry ice!

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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