Grade School

Making STEM

Learn real-world engineering skills through hands-on activities at the Making STEM booth. Use design thinking, and collaborative problem-problem solving, to complete engineering challenges. Turn your ideas into reality as you create beautiful 3D geometric sculptures using custom building tools. Work together in a team to solving a 5 foot parabolic bridge puzzle. Document your project using photography so you can share with friends, family, and the community.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Visitors will enjoy a number of exciting hands-on bio-tech and life science activities geared for children (and adults) of all ages. Learn from, and meet, employees of the world leader in serving science, Thermo Fisher Scientific. Explore DNA and what makes all living specimens unique while standing next to a life-size DNA double helix.

The Amazing World of Reptiles

Reptiles are often misunderstood and maligned creatures. We share amazing connections with them from ancient times to modern medicine. Come by and meet a few of the superstar celebrities from EcoVivarium Living Museum. Join us to explore their world, understand the challenges they face and what can you do to help them survive.

NDIA San Diego Chapter

NDIA Exhibit booth goals are to have students learn about technology needed within DoD from our industry partners and military including Navy Diving Helmets, Robotics, a variety of electronic tools, lights, and lasers. NDIA members talk to the students and parents about careers in STEM and provided helpful information based on their real-world experience. Together we help awaken a greater interest in STEM and STEM education.

UCSD Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research

Our booth will provide demonstrations and educational games to promote a healthy lifestyle by making behavioral changes to encourage healthy eating and increased physical activity. We will also have information about our wellness and weight loss programs for children and their parents. Plus, other information outlining our research programs examining how children learn how to eat.

Scintillon Institute

Focusing on the phenomenon of fluorescence with fun interactive fluorescent materials for STEAMers to engage and play with, including silly putty, kinetic sand, magnetic sand, bracelets, highliters, and crayons, the Shaner lab at Scintillon Institute truly hopes to inspire the next generation of researchers by making the connection that something fun as fluorescence can have a huge impact on how we come to understand the biology of our planet and ourselves.

Ms. Smarty-Plants Grows Earth Heroes

Ms. Smarty-Plants™ from The Water Conservation Garden takes families on a fun and interactive journey to learn how to conserve our most precious resource, Water! Using a special mixture of music, magic, and fun Ms. Smarty-Plants™ ignites the EARTH HERO in each of us! Together “We can change the world with our own two hands.”

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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