Grade School

Ms. Smarty-Plants™

Ms. Smarty-Plants™ from The Water Conservation Garden takes families on a fun and interactive journey to learn how to conserve our most precious resource, Water. Using a special mixture of music, magic, and fun, Ms. Smarty-Plants™ ignites the EARTH HERO in each of us. Together “We can change the world with our own two hands.”

Science Delivered

Science Delivered's booths are always interactive. For this year we are thinking a booth with some fun air pressure tricks would be great. There would be a few demo tricks and then two activities guests can participate in. One would be blowing up a large "wind bag" in one breath, the other trying to blow a ball into the mouth of a bottle (close to impossible). But we are flexible, if for any reason there are too many booths doing air pressure we have a bunch of other options.

San Diego County Office of Education/City of San Diego Department of Environmental Services

The Recycling Information has brochures, fliers, and signage relaying information on waste reduction techniques, such as composting and recycling. An interactive game, "Sponge Bob Basketball," is featured, teaching participants recycling rules for San Diego. Recycle-themed prizes are awarded to players, such as rulers made from boxes, and pencils made from newspaper. Information is also available on proper disposal of hazardous waste and construction and demolition debris.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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