Grade School

Ms. Smarty-Plants™

Ms. Smarty-Plants™ from The Water Conservation Garden takes families on a fun and interactive journey of the water cycle that flows through the Colorado River, all the way to your faucet. Make conservation connections along the way with a special mixture of music, magic, and fun. Ms. Smarty-Plants™ ignites the EARTH HERO in each of us! Together “We can change the world with our own two hands.” (This 30 minute program meets California State Standards and was presented to over 55,000 children and adults in 2014) Short Description for Program if needed: Join Ms.

Music Notes Math Concert

Our math concerts have taught, engaged, and entertained countless students, teachers and parents. People of all ages enjoy listening and dancing to our math songs. Once you witness a Music Notes concert you will never look at math the same!

Waves of Migrations, & Rhythms of Cycles

Our booth will be an interactive installation. A "work" area in the first tent will teach the public about how fossil fuels are speeding up the natural cycle of global warming. Public will create a paper model molecule of CO2 from a orange tissue paper with a dinosaur print. This will be brought into the second tent, where they add it to our atmosphere model. The second tent will have canvas added to the corners to create a circular chamber (rather than square). The walls will be covered with our studies of natural migrations & cycles.

Aviation and Aerodynamics

An interactive display that will have examples of wing construction, design and evolution. Small interactive displays that will teach how a wing makes lift, why all the different designs, why the first designs didn't work, aviation/aircraft today and aviation career paths. These stations will be complimented by volunteers giving kids a chance to build an easy model to take with them or participate in a paper airplane "length of flight contest" with a small prize for each heats winner!

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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