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Remake Learning Days: Teacher’s Appreciation – STEAMBuilding Event

Join us for a fun team event with your Teachers and School Staff to re-connect and recharge
Encourage them to work and play together.

Light hearted and experiential activities are the most effective way to ensure engagement and lasting relationships. Using STEAM activities as a backdrop for our unique Teambuilding event, we promote bonding, collaboration and connections, while solving fun challenges that combine scientific, and logical reasoning with creative, imaginative and innovative thinking.

Role Model Training: Destigmatizing Failure through Storytelling

All volunteers who work with youth are invited to attend this role model training session.

Failure is an important part of the the science and engineering process.

While youth (especially girls) fear failure, STEM professionals have and continue to fail many times in their careers. In this workshop, you will learn storytelling skills to help you artfully communicate your experiences with failing – and the lessons learned – to younger audiences.

Scripps Research Community Symposium

The Scripps Research Community Symposium is a public event that invites the community — K-12 teachers, high school students, families with children, community college students, and more — to meet our scientists, hear from our graduate students, and interact with our science in fun and engaging ways. This year expect topics in circadian rhythm, covid19, citizen science initiatives and much much more.

Biz Kid$, Episode 405, Crash Course on Starting a Business, Entrepreneurship

So, you've got an idea for business-now what? Check out this quick comprehensive course on business basics. Put it all down in your business plan, from getting funded to making profit. Meet two sisters making millions from magnets, and a pig farmer who knows all about marketing, along with other young entrepreneurs who share their creative business ideas. Learn more of how to get started with your business ideas in this episode.

Masked vs. Unmasked Facial Expressions

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have had to wear masks when communicating with others. This creates challenges in face to face communication, as face masks cover facial expressions that are necessary for easy understanding of emotions. In this pre-recorded video, learn about the different characteristics of facial expressions and how they convey emotions. Then, test your new knowledge by guessing the facial expression on a masked person.

Girl Scouts Brownies and Juniors - STEM Careers Exploration Badge

Inviting Girl Scouts Brownies and Juniors - a special workshop just for you to fulfill the requirements for her STEM Career Exploration Badge.

At our workshops, girls use the Engineering Design Process to understand a real-world issue, create a design build around the topic, and will have the opportunity to show off their go-getter ingenuity to their fellow Girl Scouts. Girls are encouraged to wear their sash/vest.

The even will be open to all, so feel free to register even if you are not a Girl Scout.

Unlocking Careers at Illumina

Illumina, Inc. is a life sciences company that develops, manufactures, and sells various products essential for understanding DNA. Join Skype-a-Scientist and Illumina for a livestream session on April 28th, 2021 from 10-11a (PST). During this session students will learn about various career opportunities at a life sciences company and be able to ask a diverse group of Illumina professionals about their educational background and career journey. This session is ideal for middle school, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.

Curious Genes

Illumina, Inc. is a life sciences company that helps us understand DNA. Join Skype-a-Scientist and Illumina for a livestream session on April 29th,2021 from 10-11a (PST). During this session students will learn about DNA, inherited traits, and how DNA is read. This session is ideal for elementary and middle school students.

Understanding COVID-19 - A Conversation for Kids & Teens

Over the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists and medical professionals have been grappling to understand the science of this novel virus, how it spreads and how to manage it through public health guidelines, vaccine development and distribution. It can feel like information overload, especially for kids and teens. Speakers in this session will break down the complexity of COVID-19 into an engaging, casual conversation starting with an experiment with germs and washing hands.

Women in STEAM

This program provides space for young women to learn from and be inspired by women leaders across a range of STEAM industries. Each speaker will share their career journey and how they have overcome challenges. The program will close with a live Q&A, so be sure to tune in live!

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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