Coding With Kids
Titanium Sponsors: 10' x 10' booth (includes 1 table, 2 chairs)
We will use the space to bring chromebooks to demonstrate to kids and families the kind of curriculum we offer.
Titanium Sponsors: 10' x 10' booth (includes 1 table, 2 chairs)
We will use the space to bring chromebooks to demonstrate to kids and families the kind of curriculum we offer.
Various math games, prize wheel, chess, checkers, and connect four.
United States Army Recruiting San Diego. Two US Army recruiters will be available at all times with assorted items and brochures for distribution amongst the crowd. STEM related items to discuss and the relation the Army has with developing new technologies.
Students from the Monarch School’s elementary STEAM club along with LPA designers, architects and engineers will lead visitors in a tower building competition that explores the integrated approach to structures through architecture and engineering.
Teams will have several minutes to design and build block towers that will then be seismically tested on a shake table. The team who’s tower stands longest wins!
The Curiosity Cube, a retrofitted shipping container turned mobile science lab, travels North America bringing hands-on science to visitors. Equipped with the latest technology, the Curiosity Cube's goal is to spark curiosity within the future generation of scientists.
Informational/Math Puzzles
It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.
2025 SponsorsWant to attend?
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Copyright 2008-2025, San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering