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The Amazing World of Reptiles

Reptiles are often misunderstood and maligned creatures. We share amazing connections with them from ancient times to modern medicine. Come by and meet a few of the superstar celebrities from EcoVivarium Living Museum. Join us to explore their world, understand the challenges they face and what can you do to help them survive.

Ms. Smarty-Plants Grows Earth Heroes

Ms. Smarty-Plants™ from The Water Conservation Garden takes families on a fun and interactive journey to learn how to conserve our most precious resource, Water! Using a special mixture of music, magic, and fun Ms. Smarty-Plants™ ignites the EARTH HERO in each of us! Together “We can change the world with our own two hands.”

Inspire Charter Schools

Educational outreach for our charter school, which is a very large independent study public charter school program for the state of California. We will invite one of our San Diego science vendors to host a hands-on STEM activity, like one of these: :

Millipore Sigma- Curiosity Cube

A retrofitted shipping container that has been transformed into a mobile science lab. The shipping container will travel the country stopping primarily at schools and public spaces to bring hands-on science to the masses. Provided by MilliporeSigma’s science education outreach program. Guests at the Curiosity Cube experience quick, fun, and hands-on science experiments led by MilliporeSigma local employees. The Curiosity Cube is equipped with the latest technology.

Gizmos & Gadgets Kids Lab

We offer a hands-on STEAM-based program to K-8th grades. We believe that early nurturing of children’s natural curiosity and validation of their inherent desire to explore the world around them is one of the keys to igniting the sparks of creativity and a life long love for learning. We will be offering some hands-on activities for engineering that include rocket launchers and mini-catapults.

FRC Team 3128: The Aluminum Narwhals

Our exhibit will consist of two parts, an informational section and an interactive section. On one side of the booth we will have our competition robot on display with information on our team and FIRST robotics. On the other side of the booth we will have participants program Mindstorms EV3 robots in order to navigate through a maze. There will be a row of laptops on a table to achieve this.

S.T.E.M. Vanguards

We are an Early Childhood STEM Provider for young children ages 3 to 8 years. We cater our STEM activities for children and their parents encouraging parent involvement. Our signature services include STEM Party Events for children ages 3 to 8 years, Preschool STEM Expo Competitions, and STEM Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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