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Hands-On Technology Education

Hands-On Technology Education proudly features interactive, tech adventure demos featuring: virtual reality, e-Sports, robotics, game design & CoreSTEAM, and coding + electronics! Our various activity stations will preview what is offered year-round via our signature Tech Adventure Programs during summer camps, after-school programs, & professional development.


Students will interact and learn about circuits and microcontrollers from our Qualcomm (R) Thinkabit Lab(TM) program, and see how they are used in other IOT and real world devices. We will showcase how these concepts are used in real world technology like the Mars rover.


Bring your robot to life by learning how to code! Create your own program, press play and watch your robot carry out the action! Try your hand at drawing with 3D pens - a combination of art and technology!

The STEMusic Concert Live!

The STEMusic Concert is a high energy concert full of songs and lessons all about STEM! Students will have a chance to watch live experiments, practice solving math problems and learn STEM vocabulary all while being entertained with incredible music. Roy Moye III, also known as "The Singing Engineer", puts on an engaging show with live singing and participation moments that transport students to a STEM universe with songs that will begin to change the narrative on how they experience STEM!

FRC Team 2485 - the W.A.R Lords

The W.A.R. Lords are from Francis Parker School in San Diego, California. As part of our FIRST® involvement, we are dedicated to spreading our message about STEM and robotics on a national and international scale. We will bring our 125 lb robot to the event and show the design, coding, driving and competition process to hope to encourage others to get involved with FIRST robotics.

San Diego State University

Student clubs and outreach organizations from San Diego State University will provide engaging and interactive demonstrations and activities for students and families of all ages. From rocket launches and racecars to marine animals and sound waves, audiences will learn directly from SDSU students in science and engineering about their favorite subjects.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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