College and Beyond (21+)

Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy San Diego

Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy here in San Diego will be showcasing our Pharmacy Services that are available. We will discuss inpatient pharmacy, outpatient pharmacy, mail order pharmacy and where our community can go to safely dispose of unwanted medications. The purpose of this booth will be to provide general pharmacy education to youth in our community. We will have pharmacists, pharmacy students and pharmacy residents at our booth available to answer questions for pursuing a pharmacy career.

Cabrillo National Monument

Visit Cabrillo National Monument's Science Education Team to learn about San Diego's ecology with a fun activity suitable for all ages! You'll use your powers of observation to recognize and understand native plants and pollinators, and how invasive species impact our environment. There will be a station with live local plants and a pollinator box, plus an activity that simulates the sensory systems of ants through identifying their "pheromones". Be a scientist with the National Park Service!

Sally Ride Science @ UC San Diego

In this interactive science experiment, kids AND adults will get the opportunity to create a "Glowie". A “glowie” is a molded plastic glowing object. We’ll make the glowies with a safe, non-toxic, low temperature thermoplastic which is malleable when melted and clear like hot glue. It melts in tea water so it won't burn you, and will stay soft for a couple of minutes while it's warm to the touch. To make it glow we place an LED in it while its soft and attach a coin cell battery.

Scripps Research

Come learn about what scientists do and how you can be a scientist too! We have an interactive booth with a couple of STEM activities and information on the Community Teaching Lab at Scripps Research. Come be a part of our scientific community, we need you!


Hands-on interaction with reptiles and arthropods. We invite the public to meet, interact, and explore our relationship with nature through these amazing Ambassador Animals.

Solar Turbines

Interactive and fun booth demonstrating how energy is converted from stored to kinetic, similar to a gas turbine. Energy stored in a balloon is released into a fan, generating kinetic energy. A voltage is generated across the motor leads as the fan spins faster. The hands-on exhibit includes use of a 3D printed mini-turbine model, discussion around power generation through interaction with the Solar Turbines Team, and a cool look into a cutaway turbine engine model. For over 90 years, Solar Turbines has been a leader in energy solutions and advanced manufacturing.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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