Educator Specific

National Marine Mammal Foundation

As part of our commitment to education, the National Marine Mammal Foundation participates in outreach efforts at local San Diego schools and public events. By educating children and the community about our exciting marine mammal discoveries, we hope to inspire future generations for years to come. Science education is incredibly important, and we hope to do our part by exposing students to the unique and rewarding work that we do with the animals.

California Space Grant Consortium (CaSGC)

We would like to showcase some of the CaSGC sponsored activities within UCSD, including, but no limited to, Near Space Ballooning and Arduino and Micro-Controllers. We will be displaying posters of aerial photography taken from the balloons as well as explanations of the science behind Near Space Ballooning. We will also have Arduino displays which are often used as sensors for climatic data in the payload.

Salk Institute Education Outreach

Divided booth 10X30 total - for 10X20 side with electric: DNA extraction activity Blurb: Discovering DNA: What does real DNA look like? Come discover the "stuff of life" shared by every organism on the planet! For 10X10 side: Information about Salk programs Blurb: Salk Education Outreach provides programs that go out to the community as well as bring students to the institute. Come find out more about Where Cures Begin

San Diego Public Library

San Diego Public Library is proud to provide STEAM Education during our Spring into STEAM programming. We will provide information about upcoming activities, hands on interactive exhibits for children, and fun library prizes will be available while supplies last. This year's Spring into STEAM theme is called "Blast Off!" Join us as we explore our solar system, and discover new ways to travel beyond our own planet.

SDSU Center for Autism and Brain Development Imaging Labs

We plan to have activities for individuals of all ages to participate in. Since we are a neuroscience lab, we like to have some activities in which people can learn about the brain and brain functions. Some activities include a brain trivia game, stroop task (always a favorite!), as well as some brain mazes for the younger kids, and more! As we did last year, we will be bringing a brain model for the kids and adults to look at and we are there to answer any questions they may have.

Biodiesel & Algal Studies Group

Since 2009 Castle Park High students, with Dr. Pomeroy of UCSD, have learned to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil. Students use a particle counter to determine how “clean” the fuel burns and discuss how particulate impacts our global climate. Students present this field data to support the benefits of biodiesel. Our booth, as in years past, will demonstrate the step-by-step process of biodiesel synthesis, discuss the advantages of biodiesel over petroleum and outline the ease of production.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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