Middle School


We will illustrate some fundamental science concepts from nuclear fusion research using lively demonstrations in electromagnetism, states of matter (liquid nitrogen), differential pressure, and more. We will encourage yearning to learn and discuss large-scale energy needs and the possibility of fusion on earth as an energy basis.


Lilly will offer a series of hands-on, interactive or observational learning opportunities for a diverse audience, primarily (not exclusively) targeting grad and middle school. Attendees will walk through different learning stations revolving around the concepts of molecule structure and function, and the effect of their modifications in biological models. Temporary tattoos or other giveaways will be available.

U.S. Naval Academy

Midshipmen from the United States Naval Academy mentor you through your choice of several hands-on, interactive science and engineering modules for all ages. The diverse subject matter planned includes a range of STEM topics including chemistry, logic and buoyancy.

ISACA San Diego

ISACA global is a nonprofit with 1800,000 members worldwide. ISACA provides educational and professional development resources to its members, and we represent the local ISACA San Diego chapter. We offer free memberships to students, and at the event we'll be giving literature, explaining who the organization is, what we offer. We are also available to help provide insights to anyone interested in a cybersecurity or cyber audit career.


Qualcomm's booth with showcase multiple hands-on technical demos including generative AI, Copilot+, a human circuit, and more. Employees will chat with students about the many opportunities available to them in a STEM career, and show some of the day to day products that Qualcomm technology is in, that many people don't realize.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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