California Least Terns Restoring Habitats (Audubon Society)
Cool Careers - Imagine Your Future Career as a Automotive Engineer!
Cool Careers - Imagine Your Future Career as a Software Engineer!
A Day in the Life of an Electrical Engineer - Staci Saruwatari
A Day in the Life of an Environmental Engineer - Courtney Harr
A Day in the Life of an Operations Manager - Charlotte Fitzgerald
A Day in the Life of a Product Safety Engineer - Justina Sanchez
A Day in the Life of a Civil Water Resource Engineer - Cassidy Thornbury
Biz Kid$, Episode 405, Crash Course on Starting a Business, Entrepreneurship
So, you've got an idea for business-now what? Check out this quick comprehensive course on business basics. Put it all down in your business plan, from getting funded to making profit. Meet two sisters making millions from magnets, and a pig farmer who knows all about marketing, along with other young entrepreneurs who share their creative business ideas. Learn more of how to get started with your business ideas in this episode.