Future of Vertex
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Virtual Lab Tour
Working In STEM
Shapes & Civil Engineering
STEAM Week Contest: Engineer a Vehicle (FREE kit)
FREE S.T.E.A.M. kit. Engineer a vehicle and create an original, creative story about it. Ignite your child’s creativity, imagination, and planning skills to foster brain development and connectivity and critical 21st century skills. Enter for a chance to win a free Brain Balance Assessment, tickets to the San Diego Automotive Museum, and a chance to display your vehicle at the San Diego Automotive Museum.
Beach and Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program, County of San Diego
Beach and Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program, County of San Diego
Unlocking Careers at Illumina
Illumina, Inc. is a life sciences company that develops, manufactures, and sells various products essential for understanding DNA. Join Skype-a-Scientist and Illumina for a livestream session on April 28th, 2021 from 10-11a (PST). During this session students will learn about various career opportunities at a life sciences company and be able to ask a diverse group of Illumina professionals about their educational background and career journey. This session is ideal for middle school, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.
Curious Genes
Illumina, Inc. is a life sciences company that helps us understand DNA. Join Skype-a-Scientist and Illumina for a livestream session on April 29th,2021 from 10-11a (PST). During this session students will learn about DNA, inherited traits, and how DNA is read. This session is ideal for elementary and middle school students.