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The San Diego River Park Foundation

Discover the vital species of the San Diego River’s riparian ecosystem. Explore the diverse plant and animal life and their crucial roles in maintaining the environment's health and balance. Explore how birds, bats, bees, and butterflies act as ecosystem engineers. See how wildlife builders contribute to pollination, pest control, and biodiversity, supporting ecosystem health. Explore bio-indicator species to understand how aquatic life helps monitor and maintain a healthy ecosystem.

County of San Diego's Department of Environmental Health & Quality - Hazardous Materials Division & Beach and Bay Program

The Department of Environmental Health & Quality will be conducting an interactive exercise where attendees can hold a CO2 bubble. Additionally, the Hazardous Material Division and the Beach and Bay Program will provide information regarding the regulation and handling of Hazardous Materials & Hazardous/Medical Waste. The Beach and Bay program will be providing information regarding the sampling and posting of signs warning of contaminated water at beaches affected by sewage spills.

Empresa Performing Arts Foundation with Play-Well TEKnologies

We would love to run a LEGO STEM activity for the booth. We would have a few types of catapults made completely of LEGO that kids can use to try to make a projectile into different baskets. We can discuss the potential energy that is released via a spring. We will also have a lever actioned catapult that will launch the projectile based on the force from the kid on the lever.

San Diego County Vector Control Program

The Vector Control program will provide an experience to view real-life samples of the mosquito life cycle under microscopes. You will get to see what each stage looks like and what you should look out for in your own backyard to prevent mosquito breeding. Mosquitofish will also be on display! There will be many free giveaways including pencils, insect repellent, mosquito activity books, stickers, and more!

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific's mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Our employee volunteers will offer a range of activities for the whole family! We create an interactive and educational environment through hands-on STEM opportunities: DNA extraction, centrifuge activities, and more! Additionally, in the College and Career Pavilion, we allow students to engage with representatives who can outline and assist with post-high school options.


KPBS Kids events across the county consist of special visits by your favorite KPBS Kids television characters, story times, and hands-on activities that connect to program educational themes. Visit us to explore fun science, math, and literacy activities for the whole family, and learn how you can meet Super Why, Curious George, Clifford, Daniel Tiger, Molly of Denali, and other KPBS Kids friends at the San Diego Children's Discovery Museum and other locations this year!


Esports Booth where students can play minecraft and learn about jobs that are related to the esports industry.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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