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NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry

We want participants to engage in a hands-on electrochemistry activity-- building their own battery. The first battery was built by Alessandro Volta in 1800, long before we had cell phones to power. With some household items, you can build this battery yourself! Participants will use: zinc washers, copper washers, felt or construction paper disks, vinegar, 2 alligator clips, copper wire, plastic tweezers and an LED light. The battery will be assembled on an acrylic stand with supervision.

San Diego Community Power

Come test your knowledge about energy! We will help inspire youth of all ages to learn about clean energy and how we can work towards a healthier, more sustainable future for all San Diegans. Activities to include a clean energy pledge, fun quizzes, and other experiential opportunities to learn how renewable energy works!

Biodiesel & Algal Studies Group

Since 2009 Castle Park High students, with Dr. Pomeroy of UCSD, have learned to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil. Our booth demonstrates the step-by-step process of biodiesel synthesis, discusses the advantages of biodiesel over petroleum and outlines the ease of production. Our booth includes CAICE researchers who provide demonstrations concerning climate change and atmospheric chemistry. We also partner with Algenesis who demonstrate biodegradable materials that mimic plastics and foams.

Don't Try This at Home

Stand back, we're doing SCIENCE! Discover how fun science can be. With these high-energy, educational performances filled with interactive demonstrations, families will learn about how COOL science is as we explore the wonders and power of liquid nitrogen!!

Empresa Performing Arts Foundation with Play-Well TEKnologies

We would love to run a LEGO STEM activity for the booth. We would have a few types of catapults made completely of LEGO that kids can use to try to make a projectile into different baskets. We can discuss the potential energy that is released via a spring. We will also have a lever actioned catapult that will launch the projectile based on the force from the kid on the lever.

Science Guys of San Diego

Are you ready to experience hair-raising electricity?! Participte in ELECRIFYING experiments with our Van de Graaff Generator and Tesla Coil! Get charged up and experience a CRAZY chain shock! Turn on a lightbulb without plugging it in! Levitate tinsel like a magician! Make aluminum pans fly high in the air! Experience this and so much more with the Science Guys of San Diego!

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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