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San Diego County Vector Control Program

The Vector Control program will provide an experience to view real-life samples of the mosquito life cycle under microscopes. You will get to see what each stage looks like and what you should look out for in your own backyard to prevent mosquito breeding. Mosquitofish will also be on display! There will be many free giveaways including pencils, insect repellent, mosquito activity books, stickers, and more!

Southwest HS

Mind over Muscle In this experiment, festival participants will use a hand dyanomter to measure your maximum grip strength and relate this to the electrical activity of the muscle. The strength of contraction of a whole muscle is dependent on the total number of muscle fibers involved and can be correlated with an EKG sensor. Participants will test their abilities by using maximum effort to test their grip over time and determine the mean force generated over the time period.

San Diego State University

San Diego State University representatives from science, health and engineering will provide engaging and interactive activities for students and families of all ages. Touch urchins wearing hats, code your own bracelet, build neurons out of pipe cleaners, explore the solar system in virtual reality and more! Learn directly from the SDSU researchers and innovators leading San Diego to new heights in STEM.

California State University Program for Biotechnology (CSUBIOTECH)

Host a booth to showcase the work of biotechnology in the Cal State University system. CSUBIOTECH provides grants and awards, organizes the annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium, promotes industry-responsive curricular innovations, and serves as a liaison between the CSU and government, regional and biotechnology industry partners, including philanthropic partners.


This is your opportunity to interact with our amazing reptile Ambassador Animals from EcoVivarium! Get hands-on with a giant python or boa - come face to face with a tegu or dragon! Meet a tortoise that will outlive the average person. See cool STEM experiment demonstrations and view samples of cultural art projects from our classroom programs. Educators will be on-hand to tell you all about our exciting hands-on programs that travel to schools, scouts, and other organizations.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

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We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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