Grade School

American Physical Therapy Association

Our booth will feature two interactive activities for various age groups. The first is assembling life-size puzzles of the human skeletal and muscular systems. The second activity will have attendees playing physically active games (including Wii Sports and Just Dance). As they play, we explain the importance of staying physically active, and how many PT's have video game systems such as Wii's in their clinic and how they are used in treating patients.


The Curiosity Cube is a retrofitted shipping container turned mobile science lab. The Curiosity Cube brings hands-on science experiments to visitors of all ages with the goal of sparking curiosity within the future generation of scientists!


Visitors will get to try their hand at programming LEGO robots along with challenging themselves to direct a laser beam through a series of mazes.

The Ms. Smarty-Plants™ Cools the Climate

The Ms. Smarty-Plants™ Cools the Climate is a conservation education program that brings learning about climate change to life. This program is designed to empower children and adults to tackle climate change, care for the Earth, and encourage scientific discovery. With her charming style of “Edu-taimment” Ms. Smarty-Plants™ reminds everyone science is fun and saving the planet is awesome! With music, magic and fun everyone will feel like an Earth Hero fighting for climate justice.

Mechanical Advantage

Our booth will contain an approximately 6' x 6' foam surface on which a demonstration robot can be driven by program attendees. We will have a robot box that is about 2' x 2' x 3' in which we will keep supplies. We will have a tabletop display that is 4' x 6' on which we will describe our team's journey this season. We are very thankful to be sponsored by Cox.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

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2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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