Grade School


Our practicing bridge engineers will share their knowledge and passion for structural engineering, which draws on math, physics, design, art, materials, and construction. In addition to illustrative exhibits, we provide an engaging hands-on model bridge building activity that is designed to introduce youth of all ages to basic structural engineering concepts. Bridge model kits are used, consisting of paint-mixing sticks, binder clips, chains, S-hooks, and large bottles of water for load testing.

Southwest High School Biomedical Pathway (Good Vibrations)

You’ve likely experienced older adults with hearing aids struggling to hear what you’re saying to them. You probably feel like hearing loss might have something to do with age, right? But have you ever considered which types of sounds they find the hardest to hear? Since sounds are made of waves which vibrate at different frequencies, certain types of sounds are harder to hear! In this exploration, festival goers will participate in an experience to investigate how aging impacts hearing.

Magnolia Science Academy San Diego

Magnolia Science Academy is a STEAM focused public middle school serving San Diego communities since 2005. Our booth will feature hands-on, interactive math, science and art demonstrations and activities for guests of all ages. These will include tangram puzzles, vortex canon, color marbling, slime, earthquake proof structures, etc.

Biodiesel & Algal Studies Group

Since 2009 Castle Park High students, with Dr. Pomeroy of UCSD, have learned to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil. Students use a particle counter to determine how “clean” the fuel burns and discuss how particulate impacts our global climate. Students present this field data to support the benefits of biodiesel. Our booth, as in years past, will demonstrate the step-by-step process of biodiesel synthesis, discuss the advantages of biodiesel over petroleum and outline the ease of production.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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