Grade School

Birch Aquarium at Scripps

Guests will understand the principles of buoyancy by experimenting with their own diver. Participants will be able to- ● Define and understand the concept of buoyancy ● Explain how a fish moves up and down in the water column ● Engage in the scientific process by conducting a water experiment using a diver and playing with the concept of buoyancy.

Heron Therapeutics

At the Heron Booth attendees will make SLIME!
And play our version of Wheel of Fortune called “Wheel of Organs”. Spin the wheel that has different Internal organs (i.e. Lungs, Brain, Thyroid) on it. You will then identify the organ you land on to the organ on the “Organ Man” drawing. If you identify the correct organ you win a prize.

UCSD Neurosciences Outreach

We will have multiple interactive stations including: 1) Comparative Brain Anatomy- play a guessing game to see which brains belongs to which animal species. 2) Sheep Brain- hold preserved sheep brain and learn about parts of the mammalian brain. 3) Spiker Box- make a cockroach leg dance and learn about how your brain communicates with your muscles to guide your everyday movements. 4) EMG Module- learn how we can use electrical activity from your muscles to control a mechanical claw.

Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers

We will be explaining the chemistry (acid/bases) behind invisible inks. Kids will write messages to their friends or family, and we'll show them how to reveal the invisible messages. The invisible ink will be dilute laundry detergent, milk, or soapy water. They'll write the messages using a paintbrush or cotton bud, and optionally add a "cover up" message using regular pen. Then we'll show reveal the invisible message by shining ultraviolet light on the paper, or by spraying a basic solution.

San Diego Mesa College

Activities will highlight concepts from Psychological Science touching upon brain, cognitive, perceptual processes and emotion. Activities will feature visual illusions, sensorimotor tasks, short term memory exercises, mapping of visual shapes to speech sounds, visual inversion and tests for recognizing emotional facial expressions. These activities appeal to a wide range of guests from children to adults. This outreach explores the science of mental processes and behaviors.

NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program at NASA Glenn Research Center

NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program at NASA Glenn Research Center will feature the PufferSphere exhibit. A 360 degree multi-touch, interactive system that can display video, photos, motion graphics, text and any other visual resources. We will also have several Oculus Go virtual reality headsets where visitors can travel from Earth to the Moon learning about current and future space communication.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

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