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U.S. Air Force
The Air Force will attend EXPO Day with an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team in additional to a 12' activation trailer with interactive games (TBD).
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman will host hands-on STEM activities for all ages and talk with visitors about careers in engineering.
NDIA San Diego Chapter
NDIA Exhibit booth goals are to have students learn about technology needed within DoD from our industry partners and military including Navy Diving Helmets, Robotics, a variety of electronic tools, lights, and lasers. NDIA members talk to the students and parents about careers in STEM and provided helpful information based on their real-world experience. Together we help awaken a greater interest in STEM and STEM education.
U.S. Army Recruiting
United States Army Recruiting San Diego. Two US Army recruiters will be available at all times with assorted items and brochures for distribution amongst the crowd. STEM related items to discuss and the relation the Army has with developing new technologies.
iD Tech Camps
At our booth, we will have flyers, signs, and small give-away materials (stickers etc.). We will also have computers to show promotional videos and some sort of demonstration/ activity (Cosmo robots).
pSemi Corporation
Display of Integrated Circuits type products.
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
Copper Sponsor
Students from the Monarch School’s elementary STEAM club along with LPA designers, architects and engineers will lead visitors in a tower building competition that explores the integrated approach to structures through architecture and engineering.
Teams will have several minutes to design and build block towers that will then be seismically tested on a shake table. The team who’s tower stands longest wins!