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Gizmos & Gadgets Kids Lab STEAM Show

Gizmos & Gadgets Kids Lab will do a hands on show with either building a catapult (or most likely a giant slingshot - angry birds style). We will get kids from the audience to help build it. We will then loft balls into the crowd (soft foam balls) - same concept as last year but with a slingshot. We are also thinking of having another short demo. Will be in touch with Heather to confirm. Last year we did the exploding fizzing rockets. We are wanting a similar wow factor at the end but different

Sally Ride Science @ UC San Diego

In this interactive science experiment, kids AND adults will get the opportunity to create a "Glowie". A “glowie” is a molded plastic glowing object. We’ll make the glowies with a safe, non-toxic, low temperature thermoplastic which is malleable when melted and clear like hot glue. It melts in tea water so it won't burn you, and will stay soft for a couple of minutes while it's warm to the touch. To make it glow we place an LED in it while its soft and attach a coin cell battery.

Solar Turbines

Interactive and fun booth demonstrating how energy is converted from stored to kinetic, similar to a gas turbine. Energy stored in a balloon is released into a fan, generating kinetic energy. A voltage is generated across the motor leads as the fan spins faster. The hands-on exhibit includes use of a 3D printed mini-turbine model, discussion around power generation through interaction with the Solar Turbines Team, and a cool look into a cutaway turbine engine model. For over 90 years, Solar Turbines has been a leader in energy solutions and advanced manufacturing.

Magnolia Science Academy

Our students will be showcasing their award-winning future city model at the expo. Also guests will be given basic building kits that include recyclable materials to build miniature futuristic cities. All materials will be kids-friendly. Future City is a project-based learning program where students in 6, 7, and 8 grades imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future. From painting buildings to creating landscapes students are able to reflect their vision of the future.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

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